Coffee Line

Die Gaggia Coffee-Linie ermöglicht den Benutzer/innen ein rundum maßgeschneidertes Kaffeeerlebnis.
Mit äußerster Sorgfalt haben wir vier hochwertige Mischungen ausgewählt, die jeden Bedarf und Geschmack befriedigen können. Espresso 100% Arabica für die Liebhaber/innen des klassischen Geschmacks, Espresso Intenso für einen reichhaltigeren Körper und Geschmack, Espresso Classic mit einem noch stärkeren und nachhaltigeren Geschmack und eine entkoffeinierte Mischung. Alle Kaffeebohnen wurden nach italienischer Tradition mit einem innovativen Clean Air System geröstet, das ihr Aroma und ihr organoleptisches Profil optimal bewahrt. Wählen Sie die Kaffeemischung, die am besten zu Ihnen passt, in Bohnen oder gemahlen, und machen Sie sich bereit für das unglaublichste Gaggia Espresso-Erlebnis.
go to questions
When and why is it important to tamp the coffee?
When preparing an espresso with a traditional filter-holder, tamping ground coffee is fundamental. An even and constant pressure allowS water to flow through coffee homogeneously and it extracts all coffee aromas. While, when using a pressurized filter-holder, this step is not necessary: just apply a very light pressure, as this system is already designed to guarantee perfect espressos anytime.
How important is the coffee I use?
To prepare a great espresso, the kind of coffee used is crucial, so be sure to use only high quality blends. The quality of coffee is influenced by various factors: the variety of the plant, the growing region, the harvest, the climate. In addition to the origin, also roasting plays a role: beans that have been roasted for a longer time are darker and release more aroma, and thus need a coarser grinding. We suggest to experiment and try various blends to find the one that better suits your needs and taste.
What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta?
Each variety of coffee has particular characteristics and peculiarities that influence the final in-cup result. If you prefer a stronger and more intense taste, with a thick and brownish layer of crema, we suggest to use blends with a percentage of Robusta. If you prefer a more aromatic and delicate taste, with a more complex aroma, we suggest to use Arabica blends.
Can I store my coffee beans in the fridge?
Coffee begins to lose its freshness right after its roasting, so it is important to avoid air, humidty, heat and light. Refrigerators and freezers are not recommended places are they are humid. We suggest to preserve coffee in an airtight container in a cool and dry area, away from heat sources.
What is the difference between coffee pods and capsules?
Pods are paper-made and rounded. They usually contain 7 grams of roasted ground coffee, compressed and wrapped in paper, and could be used with almost all espresso machines that have a filter-holder. Capsules have a cylindric shape made in plastic or aluminum, and they are vacuum-packed. Usually, they contain less than 7 grams of coffee.
Where can i buy the gaggia coffee line?
If you are interested in buying Gaggia Coffee, feel free to ask your local official distributor. Contacts are here