Polar White: just like snow

That morning, Hana was awakened by the sound coming from the bells of the Sforzesco Castle. An unusual light was coming out of the window. Intrigue, she moved the curtains revealing a white covered Milan. A silent snow had fallen the night before, covering the entire city.
The cat jumped on the windowsill, attracted by the snowflakes that kept falling from the sky.
While outside the window Milan was moving slowly, Hana took a moment for herself and went to the kitchen for her undeniable ritual: preparing and tasting a coffee made with Gaggia Classic Polar White.
Then, she only would have had to go down the stairs for two floors to get to her bakery. The streets were still quiet, the snow had attracted just few people outside the door, only the bravest had lefts their homes that Monday. Yet, she knew that her most loyal customers would never have missed the chance to taste her pastries. Therefore, she immediately got to work.

While she was finishing the first preparations, the door’s bell rang. The person entering the shop was Martina, Hana’s longtime friend and client. “Hana, I have a surprise for you!”, shouted Martina while taking out two tickets picturing the Cortina’s ski district. “We are leaving this weekend! I know how attached you are to this place, and I’ve been wanting to learn how to ski for so long. I thought you could be my first teacher! What do you think?”
Hana was astonished and a great smile lit up her face. “Is this true? What a wonderful thought of you! Thank you! I’m already looking forward to Friday!”
She immediately made a call to her assistant to inform her that she would be gone for the weekend. She never would have done it, but that was an unmissable opportunity!

The weekend soon arrived, and the two friends were finally able to enjoy the slopes of Cortina. Hana, both enthusiast and nostalgic at the same time, was telling stories about her childhood and her father teaching her how to ski on the Nagano’s slopes.
As the sun was setting slowly, the Dolomites turned pink. Hana was sitting on a wooden bench, admiring the landscape while enjoying a warm chocolate-based coffee: the “mocha mousse.” She imagined to accompany the drink with one of her famous pastries. Something soft…like the snow.
The two friends were surrounded by the peace of the mountains, only hearing the noise coming from the skiers going down the snowy slopes. On one side, that made her think about her past, on the other side, instead, Hana was feeling grateful for the life she had built in Milan. Faster and more chaotic, but filled with things to do, friends to meet up with and new activities to discover.

Back to the city, some loyal customers, aware of Hana’s getaway weekend, went to the bakery, curious and willing to hear some interesting stories. It wasn’t so common of her to take last minute decisions, and the fact that she had left Milan during one of the most intense periods of the year was a further reason to rise interest and curiosity among her longtime customers. Hana, with a contagious smile and still mindful of memories from the past weekend, was expressing her happiness between a chat and another, while serving a new recipe inspired by the combination of coffee and chocolate.
The darkness outside was announcing that it was about time to shut everything down and call it a day. The last events were about to become not only new memories but also a source of inspiration and further stories to tell.